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According to the design of this package, the developer has complete control over its lifecycle, including the initialization process. This means that there are no pre-initialized global components available for use by the developer. They must create the components themselves.

To simplify the developer's workflow, the package includes a special function called init. This function returns instances of the initialized components, making it easier for developers to work with the package.

Here is some init example:

import { init } from '@tma.js/sdk';

const { mainButton, viewport } = init();

mainButton.on('click', () => viewport.expand());

import { init } from '@tma.js/sdk';

const { mainButton, viewport } = init();

mainButton.on('click', () => viewport.expand());



The init function has the ability to accept options, which are specified as an object in the first argument of the function. Each option and the options object itself are optional.

import { init } from '@tma.js/sdk';

import { init } from '@tma.js/sdk';



Type: boolean, default: false

The SDK initialization process supports two modes: complete and incomplete.

Complete initialization differs from the incomplete in only one aspect: it performs all asynchronous operations and waits for their completion. For example, the init function retrieves actual viewport information, and complete initialization will return actual viewport data. The incomplete way would return the viewport with default values.

import { init } from '@tma.js/sdk';

init({ complete: true }).then((result) => {
  // Output:
  // Viewport {
  //   height: 390,
  //   width: 365,
  //   isExpanded: true,
  //   stableHeight: 390,
  // };
import { init } from '@tma.js/sdk';

init({ complete: true }).then((result) => {
  // Output:
  // Viewport {
  //   height: 390,
  //   width: 365,
  //   isExpanded: true,
  //   stableHeight: 390,
  // };
import { init } from '@tma.js/sdk';

const result = init();
// Output:
// Viewport {
//   height: 0,
//   width: 0,
//   isExpanded: false,
//   stableHeight: 0,
// };
import { init } from '@tma.js/sdk';

const result = init();
// Output:
// Viewport {
//   height: 0,
//   width: 0,
//   isExpanded: false,
//   stableHeight: 0,
// };


Currently, there is only one asynchronous operation performed in the init function - retrieval of the current viewport state. In case you don't need that data, you can choose synchronous initialization.


It is recommended to follow the asynchronous way to prepare the code for new possible future asynchronous operations. The next major update is going to remove this option and make initialization completely async.


Type: boolean, default: false

True if SDK should accept styles sent from the Telegram application. This option is only used in web versions of Telegram.


Type: boolean | { themeParams?: boolean, viewport?: boolean, miniApp?: boolean }, default: false

Creates global CSS variables connected to the current SDK components. The created variables are automatically updated when connected components change their state.

The developer is also allowed to pass an object with optional fields themeParams, viewport, and miniApp. The init function will create CSS variables for components that have a value of true in this object.

Mini App variables:

  • --tg-background-color
  • --tg-header-color

Viewport variables:

  • --tg-viewport-height
  • --tg-viewport-width
  • --tg-viewport-stable-height

Theme parameters variables depend on the data returned from the Telegram application. The init function modifies palette keys following these rules:

  1. Replace snake case names with kebab case:
    backgroundColor -> background-color
    backgroundColor -> background-color
  2. Prepend the --tg-theme- prefix:
    background-color -> --tg-theme-background-color
    background-color -> --tg-theme-background-color

Released under the MIT License.